Contact us

Contact information for the Ministry of Education Library.


Contact info

If you are deaf or hard of hearing, you can contact us through the New Zealand Relay Service

Before contacting us, please check if your question is answered below.


We would appreciate your feedback, please email

Returning books

Ministry people who work in No. 1 The Terrace 

Return items to level 5, on the library table between pod 9 and meeting room 5.01 (opposite the orange Civil Defence cabinet).

All other library members

Return using a tracked DX or courier bag where possible. Use a bag that fits securely around the books, or wrap them in bubble wrap or cardboard, so the books aren't damaged in the mail. Make a note of the tracking number so the bag can be traced if it goes missing.


Ministry of Education Library
No. 1 The Terrace

DX system

Ministry of Education Library

Postal box

Ministry of Education Library
PO Box 1666
Wellington 6140

Frequently asked questions

I requested (placed hold on) a book, when will it arrive?

Find out if the book is checked out to you 

  • If the due date is still 4 weeks away then the book is probably on the way to you. If the due date is sooner, please contact us.
  • If the book is still listed on your holds tab then it isn’t yet available for you to borrow – you could check the library catalogue to see if it is checked out (issued) to someone else and when it is due back. 

Can I recommend you buy a book for the library?

We are happy to receive recommendations for items to add to our collection. Email with the book details, including:

  • title
  • author or editor
  • publication year
  • edition, if relevant 
  • 1-2 sentences about why the item is relevant to the work of the Ministry or education agencies.

If you found the book online, please include the link.

You should get a reply within three working days. If we buy the book we will place a request on the item for you so you can borrow it first. 

Can you get a book/article from another library for me to read (Interloan)?

We may be able to source items from other libraries (Interloans) to support the work of Ministry and agency people. For study or personal interest material, contact your university or local library. For more information, see the Interloans section of borrow, renew, and return library material 

Can you help me find information on a topic?

Ministry and agency people can contact us for advice, support, and training in using the library effectively and finding information and research. However, we no longer carry out literature searches to find information on your behalf.