Request a username and password

Use this form to request a username and password if you work at the Ministry, TEC, NZQA, ERO, Education NZ, or Teaching Council.

Who should use this form?

Use this form to request a library username and password if you are a staff member of the Ministry of Education, Tertiary Education Commission, New Zealand Qualifications Authority, or Education Review Office.

If you work in a school or for the RTLB service please go to join the library

Request library username and password

First name
Which government agency do you work at?
Ministry of Education
Tertiary Education Commission
New Zealand Qualifications Authority
Education Review Office
Which Ministry office do you work in?
Which TEC office do you work in?
Which NZQA office do you work in?
Which ERO office do you work in?
Do you want to receive monthly connect with the library emails?

This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.