Join the library

Use this form to find out about joining the Ministry of Education Library if you work for the Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand or if you work in a disability and learning support role in a school, specialist school, or early intervention centre.

Who should use this form?

New members

Use this form if you work for the Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand or you work in the New Zealand education sector and may be eligible to join our library. This includes some disability and learning support staff working in schools, specialist schools, and early intervention centres for example:

  • RTLBs and resource teachers
  • SENCOs (includes principals with SENCO responsibility)
  • Learning Support Coordinators
  • most therapists in schools, specialist schools, and early intervention centres
  • teaching staff in specialist schools and early intervention centres.

Existing members

If you are already a member and have recently changed job role or moved to a different school, please recomplete this form with your new information.

Library services to schools

We are a small corporate library providing a service to people directly employed by the central government education agencies. The Ministry provides library services to schools through the National Library's Services to Schools and EPIC for New Zealand Schools

The EPIC package is tailored to the needs of people working in schools. It gives teachers and school leaders access to research articles on the education sector, learning and teaching, as well as resources to support the curriculum, sample lesson plans, and training resources.

Using the Ministry's library

You will have self-service access to our library so you can search our catalogue, databases, and online resources to find information and research. You can borrow books, but you will need to pay for the return postage and there may be a charge for lost or damaged items.

Applying to join

Are you already a member of the Ministry of Education Library?
First name

Job role

Is this address your work or home address?

Do you want to receive connect with the library emails (sent 5-6 times each year)?

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